We’re Back on Campus!
May 15, 2022

Revitalizing the Teacher’s Lounge

Hello Jefferson Families & Community Members!

At the last FoJ meeting of the year, Jefferson teachers made a request that we help them revitalize their lounge. Let’s make this happen!
Over the past two years, they have been hard at work, educating our students during some of the toughest years of their careers. Given Covid precautions, they were not able to use their break room or gather in large groups. Morale has suffered greatly. For a group that thrives on collaboration and community, the negative impact cannot be overstated. 

We are looking for cash donations and/or gently used furniture: sofas, coffee tables, comfortable chairs, side tables, etc. 
If you are interested in donating money, you can Venmo us at FoJ_Foundation and include the word LOUNGE. We have been working with staff to compile wishlists that are regularly updated. You can find them here:

Matteo’s has generously offered to donate an evening of fundraising to us. Keep an eye out for event details. 
A big thank you to Hillcrest’s Laser Cafe for donating art & a couch!! We’re off to a great start.
We hope your summer is full of fun & laughter

xoxo, FoJ

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